Kreutzer, M., Neudert, P., Hettich, E.: Business Ecosystems - Strategizing in a Connected World. Springer 2024. ISBN: 978-3-031-70554-0. https://www.springerprofessional.de/business-ecosystems/50248310
Hettich, E., Stüfe, A.: Projekte effizient planen und erfolgreich umsetzen – Projektmanagement in benediktinischen Klöstern. Versus 2023. ISBN: 978-3-03909-335-9. https://www.amazon.de/Projekte-effizient-planen-erfolgreich-umsetzen/dp/3039093355
Hettich, E., Collaborating and Competing in Multipartner Initiatives : A Study on the Emergence, Evolution and Dynamics of Interorganizational Strategy. Dissertation Universität St. Gallen, 2015. Bamberg: Difo-Druck GmbH. https://www.e-helvetica.nb.admin.ch/view/bel-834955!urn%3Anbn%3Ach%3Abel-834955%3ADis4405.pdf?q=hettich%20erwin%20&v=all&waybackMode=page&start=0&rows=20&sort=score%20desc%2C%20ehs_urn_id%20asc
Hettich, E., and Kreutzer M. "Strategy formation across organizational boundaries: an interorganizational process model." British Journal of Management 32.1 (2021): 147-199. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-8551.12473
Hummel, M., Kreutzer M., and Hettich E. "Coopetition and Multi-Partner Alliance Performance: The Role of Exploitation and Exploration Goals." Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2018. No. 1. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management, 2018.
Hettich, E., and Kreutzer M. "Coping with Coopetition in Multipartner Alliances: The Role of Bridging Activity." Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2015. No. 1. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management, 2015.
Hettich, E.; Schimmer, M.; Müller-Stewens, G. 2015: Die Wiedergeburt der Diversifikation. In: Harvard Business Manager, Nr. 1, S. 54-61. https://www.manager-magazin.de/hbm/strategie/diversifikation-als-wachstumsstrategie-a-00000000-0002-0001-0000-000130747582
Hettich, E.; Schmid, C.; Schimmer, M. 2014: Unternehmens-Ecosystems: Anpassungsstrategien in Zeiten des Wandels.
io Management, Nr. 4, S. 66-72.
Hettich, E. 2014. The Process of Open Strategy-Making: A Study in the Field of Electric Mobility. In: Connecting high value solutions with future markets. R&D Management Proceedings. Stuttgart.
Lechner, C.; Hettich, E. 2014. Metaorganizational Designs: Managing Interorganizational Initiatives (German). Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation (ZfO) 32 (5): 333-339.
Hettich, E. 2014. Research in M&A: Theoretical Perspectives and Insights into Academic Studies (German). M&A Review 25 (5): 186-191.
Hettich, E.; Boppel, M. 2014. Corporate Acquisition Programs: Change and Renewal through multiple Transactions (German). M&A Review 25 (9): 313-317.
Hettich, E.; Kreutzer M. 2015. Coping with Coopetition in Multipartner Alliances: The Role of Bridging Activity.
Academy of Management (AOM) Conference. Vancouver (Canada).
Hettich, E. 2014. Interorganizational Strategy Process: A Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Management Studies (JMS) Conference. Cambridge (UK).
Hettich, E. 2014. A Dispersed Process of Strategy-Making: Studies on Ecologies of Electric Mobility. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference. Madrid (Spain).
Hettich, E.; Baumann, M.; Kreutzer, M. 2014. Tides of change: Patterns of Business Model Transformation. Journal of Business Economics. Nuremberg (Germany).
Buchkapitel & Cases
Hettich, E., Lechner, C., Goeritz, A. 2024. ABB – Successfully Transforming a Global Player. The Case Centre. Reference no. 224-0024-1. https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=197300
Hettich, E., Dexheimer, M. 2021. FIFA and the eSports Ecosystem: From Lean Back to Lean In. The Case Centre. Reference no. 321-0223-1. https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=178301
Hettich, E., Leonie R., and Björn A. 2020. "Bird, Lime, & Co: Conquering the Last Mile." The Case Centre. Reference no. 220-0052-1. https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=172015
Hettich, E.; Mueller-Stewens, G. 2014. TESLA Motors Inc: Business Model Configuration Case Study: The Case Centre. Reference no. 314-132-1. (Internationaler Bestseller Strategy & General Management). https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=121399
Hettich, E. 2013. Fading Boundaries: The Emergence of Collaborative Architectures. Bern: Schriften der Assistierenden der Universität St.Gallen (HSG). ISBN: 978-3-7272-2287-0. 273-291.
Hettich, E.; Mueller-Stewens, G. 2014. TESLA Motors Inc: Business Model Configuration Case Study: The Case Centre. Reference no. 314-132-1. (Internationaler Bestseller Strategy & General Management).
Hettich, E.; Mueller-Stewens, G. 2014. TESLA Motors Inc: Business Model Configuration Teaching Note: The Case Centre. Reference no. 314-132-8.
Hettich, E. 2007. Approaches to Equity Determination: CAPM, APT, Company disclosure and Cost of Equity. Munich: GRIN Publications.